Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Trailer Tuesday: The Bourne Legacy, Premium Rush, and The Babymakers

     In addition to Monday Muse and Enthused Thursday, I will also be sharing my opinions about all the newly released trailers that have now reached the public eye. Today I'm talking about the controversial new Bourne Legacy, Joseph Gordon Levitt's new pedal-powered project Premium Rush, and a new comedy about robbing a different kind of bank in The Babymakers, all after the jump.
     Now there was much criticism of the decision to go on with the Bourne franchise, as 'Ultimatum' was the last of the books written by the main author Robert Ludlum. The Bourne Legacy marks the departure from the original books into those written by Eric Van Lustbader, when he assumed the franchise. Matt Damon agreed to honor only the original three book to film adaptations. This is why the story now follows a new CIA operative, Aaron Cross, played by Jeremy Renner.   
     While I was originally skeptical of this continuation of the franchise, I was more than reassured when I was informed that Jeremy Renner would be playing the new agent in Legacy, as he had already displayed his acting chops in Mission Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol, and they were certainly something you can sink your teeth into. This film will exist in the same universe as the original Bourne franchise, featuring many of the same characters and actors, which is very exciting. The trailer also showcased the same adrenaline-infused action sequences that made the Bourne franchise so successful, which Renner can certainly make believable. Edward Norton's presence is welcome, as he looks to lend a credibility to the film. All in all the trailer settled the worries I had for the newest addition to the franchise.
     Being the Joseph Gordon Levitt fan that I am, I had also been following Premium Rush, which, from its teaser involving a lively bicycle messenger in New York City, had me intrigued, but wanting more. (which I suppose is the purpose of a teaser, so, mission accomplished!). The newly released trailer thankfully showcases the plot of the film, in which he is given a package that causes him to get mixed up in a huge criminal plot. While the 'don't shoot the messenger' and 'pawn in a game' formula has been used many times before, it has never been done with a cyclist in the fast paced streets of New York City, and it looks like Premium Rush should take it's audience for a unique ride.
     Also in the bundle of trailers recently released was The Babymakers, a new comedy which follows a man (Paul Schneider) who finds out his sperm count is too low, and decides that the logical next step would be to rob a sperm bank at which he had donated earlier in his lifetime. The film looks stupid, but stupid-funny. Movies like this can easily go either way, but I have hopes that The Babymakers will at the least be entertaining with it's lively and different premise. 
     I think both Legacy and Premium Rush look to be great, and look forward to seeing them when they eventually debut. Babymakers could go either way, but I'm hoping it finds good solid comedic ground in it's unique plot. All in all a good promising week for trailers. 

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